
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Update from the road

So many beautiful places we have seen along our journey.  We have been on the road for almost 2 weeks.  We have seen Joshua Tree NP, Mojave National Preserve, Death Valley, Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon... We have seen friends, rode along Route 66, encountered some strong wind, Area 51, tour of a brothel and many more adventures I will tell you about once we are somewhere long enough to do so.

We have a few more weeks to get to our destination for the summer and many more things and people to see.  It is different traveling with someone but has been great to have someone to share the experience with.  I don't usually do the touristy stuff on the road... It gets expensive for 1 person and I generally like to camp and hang out.  This has been exhausting but amazing.  We have a National Park pass and we have hit a few parks during this free week... Something I have wanted to do for a while so this has been cool.

Anyways... Here are a couple of pictures.

We picked up this John Muir book at a bookstore in Los Banos when we first hit the road... Thought it was perfect reading material.  Here we are in Mojave National Preserve.

Yoska, is of course, loving the ride and all the new smells.  He took his first hike to the Amboy Crater and his first dog park in Kingman AZ.

This picture is from Artist Drive in Death Valley.  We paid for a campsite so we could drop off TicTac and do this ride close to sunset.  Quite thankful because it wouldn't of been enjoyable with TicTac in tow.

Last bit of sunset at our spot at Furnace Creek Campground in Death Valley.

Michelle has been the cook and has taken most of the photos with her camera.

Here she is making some lunch at the Grand Canyon.

All three of us at Bryce Canyon.

Can't wait to tell you all about this adventure across the country.  New Hampshire here we come!


  1. Glad U're back on the road again, U were missed when you stopped traveling & blogging.
    Best of luck & enjoy the road once again !

  2. We're glad to see you back to traveling and having fun! Sorry we didn't know you were coming through Kingman! We've been here at the KOA for a couple months, waiting out the warming of the higher elevations, and would have been glad to meet you! We're eastbound as of Monday, but maybe we'll cross paths again down the road. Stay well and travel safe!
