
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Amboy Crater and Mojave National Preserve

We got on the road nice and early and headed back to Amboy to check out the Amboy Crater.  It was Yoska's first hike.  Nice hike up to the middle of the crater... You can also go up and around the rim but we didn't check out the map til we got back.

Yoska had a good time.  It got a little warm while out but Yoska is a trouper.  Had to hand him off to Michelle at times because she is a much quicker hiker than me.

Here is Yoska and I hiking up the side of the crater... Look close and you can see Yoska's ears at the bottom of my pant leg.  It was a nice way to start the day.  Then we headed down Route 66 to get back on the interstate and head to Mojave National Preserve.

Nice ride til we got off the interstate to head into Mojave.  Probably one of the worse roads I have been down in my travels.  There is another way in but I forgot and we passed it by.  Beautiful scenery but potholes galore.  We finally made it to the turn and stopped off to check out the train post/ visitor center.  It was unfortunately closed that day... Bummer cause I wanted a sticker to put on TicTac.

We put Yoska in jail... He looked so pitiful and not impressed. Haha

We had a beautiful free campsite next to the war memorial inside Mojave National Preserve.  One of my favorite free sites so far.  We only had time to stay one night but we really enjoyed this site and the only ones there.

It was a beautiful day.  No rain and lots of sun.  We had a nice ride other than the pothole road and another gas station with well over $5/gallon... That was double the average gas price in California.

Wonderful evening and we even got to see stars at night.  We were two happy campers.

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