
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Joshua Tree and Friends

We headed down to Joshua Tree which was close but the opposite direction we were heading... What is a road trip if you don't squiggle your way across country. :)

There was a chance of rain in the desert for the day but we seemed to stay pretty much in front of it.  I have wanted to go to Joshua Tree for years... I was always close, heading to Slab City, but never went.  Michelle had a National Park pass from her bicycle trip and it didn't expire until we were going to be in New Hampshire... So we took advantage of it.  

On our way to Joshua Tree our friend Jan drove by us and we pulled over to say hi.... Never had that happen before... Riding down the road in a town I've never been in to look over to see someone I know thru Facebook and a friend of a friend waving at us to pull over.

It turned out to be a pretty nice day with the gloom of rain coming.

We saw these rock climbers and one guy climbed all the way up there with nothing attached... Pretty cool to watch.

Beautiful look out.

We road thru and then had lunch at the visitor center on the way out.  We stopped to get gas and head to spend the night with Jan... As we were leaving the gas station the rain started to come.  We got a few sprinkles and drove right out of the rain.

We had a great evening with Jan and our friend Hulda stopped by to chat a bit.  We had a beautiful double rainbow to start off the evening.

Was a great day.  Jan showed us some of his hobbies and things he was working on.  He loves to learn how things work and it was fascinating learning all about his projects.  Michelle got to release the Homing Pigeons and what a sight to see them circle over and over in a group and go right back in to their cage.  I loved the sound their wings made as they passed over head.  Yoska also made a new friend. I am blessed to meet so many people and everyone with their own unique hobbies and ways they enjoy life. 

We headed from here to Mojave National Preserve...



  1. Howdy, seems like U're back on the road, KOOL !! I was wondering if you posses a solar panel to provide power for your laptop, phone etc...

    1. I use to have a 40W solar panel I would use when stopped... Wasn't very affective since it was not attached to the trailer. Now I have a small solar panel attached to the trailer to trickle charge the battery plus another small one to charge the phone if needed separate from the trailer.

    2. This new system U have is a great setting, it ensures you with the needed power, good for you girl... keep those wheels turning, enjoy !
