
Saturday, May 28, 2016

One year with my Yoska Love

I can't believe I have been with Yoska for a year today.  What a great time we have had.  I'm just going to bombard this post with Yoska pictures. :)

During this year he has met many friends both dog and human.  Been to a few National Parks and across the US.  
Here is a map of the states Yoska has been to in this last year.

Hope you enjoy see pictures... Hard to pick out just a few to share.

One of our first pictures together.
He took to TicTac right off the bat.
Getting his tag.
Becoming a biker dog.
Relaxing in TicTac.
Enjoying the sun.
In the field of Montana
Yoska and I at work at the photo shop in Montana
His favorite hangout in Montana... Visiting Jack and Christina at the library.
Needles Highway, South Dakota
Yoska chasing his buddy Brutus, South Dakota
At my parents house in Kentucky

Driving the boat in Kentucky
Meeting Michelle for the first time and her friend Winter as they stopped during their bicycle trip across the country.
Relaxing at the lake in Kentucky
Showing off his Thunder vest.
Guarding Blue and TicTac

Snuggle time
Getting comfortable
First pub.
Hanging out with our friend Renee in Tennessee
Keeping warm
Playing Uno
With his BFF Boo in California
Coming in from the rain.
Hanging out in the desert off Route 66 California

First hike, Amboy Crater, California
Bryce Canyon, Utah
His work spot for the season.


  1. Beautiful and lucky little boy having a loving mother like you. Is heartwarming to see you two together creating so many happy memories. Congratulations on your first anniversary of togetherness.

  2. That is one lucky dog! My girls, Ms. Barkley and The Gimp, love traveling, too. Dogs take to it. The just want to be with their family and find new things to sniff. It's a dog's life!

  3. That is one lucky dog! My girls, Ms. Barkley and The Gimp, love traveling, too. Dogs take to it. The just want to be with their family and find new things to sniff. It's a dog's life!

  4. Happy anniversary! You should always bombard us with photos of Yoska. Cutest little guy ever! May you have many, many more happy years together! Best wishes.
