
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The rest of the way to New Hampshire.

Not much else happened on our way to New Hampshire.  We wanted to get here before Mother's Day so we had some miles to ride.  The first few days was rain and wind and we finally had a good day for riding so we rode from Maryland to southern New Hampshire... Somewhere around 550 miles.  It was a good riding day until the mountains of Vermont where we hit some thick fog, a bit of rain and it was getting dark.  We took it slow and made it to Michelle's family that night.  We spent a couple days there and then headed to where we are now in Crawford Notch, New Hampshire.

It is beautiful country here in the White Mountains.  I'm having a hard time staying still this long but we are half way done.  We've seen a few things in the area that I'll share with you with plans for many other adventures before leaving here in October.  I can hardly wait and have been working on a few things with my travels to help fund my way so I don't have to sit this long in one place.  Hopefully this will be the last of that.

So if you are in New England keep a look out.  You just might see us around. :)


  1. Good to read and know you're still at it, safe and enjoying it all. Have you made it past the point of... I JUST WANNA GO HOME"? LOL - FM

    1. Home for me is the road. I don't belong in any one place. So at this moment while I am in one place I am saying I just want to go home... Back on the road. :)

  2. Me thinks she has the wanderlust's a real thing!

  3. The remainder of the journey to New Hampshire was uneventful. We arrived safely at our location and were able to enjoy our time there.
