
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Update: Goings on in New Hampshire

Before going on about our trip across country I wanted to share a few things happening while here in New Hampshire.

One thing I do like about having time in one place is it allows me to get some other things going for my BlueRoad project.  So here are a couple things I have been working on.

1. This might be obvious but I changed the layout just a little on the blog. If you check out the right sidebar ----> you will see a list of pages and links to visit.  

2. I updated my artist website with more information about the BlueRoad Project and other projects I have worked on... There is even a page dedicated to Yoska!  You can check that out at or the "website" link on the sidebar --->

3. I finally got it together to get business cards.  Michelle designed them for me and I LOVE them. Even Vistaprints wants to showcase my business card.  If you see me on the road be sure to tell me you want one.  I will also be sending them out with donations and sponsorship packages.

4.  I am refining my ideas about sponsorship and public speaking.  The more followers I have on my blog and Facebook and other social media helps me be able to get sponsors for my journey and hopefully some speaking engagements about my project around the country.  My goal is to live off of living.  So, hopefully by the time we leave New Hampshire I will be on a roll with this.  I will keep you updated!!

5.  I am completely excited that I will have about a ten minute segment on Wild Ride Radio that should be aired this coming Saturday.  Check out their website for affiliated stations and we will also be able to get it off of iTunes.  This is an awesome step towards number 4 and had a fun time speaking with Dallas.

If you have any ideas that might help me towards my goals please let me know.  I'm feeling hopeful that my dream will come true.  Being on the road like I have for almost 4 years... I think I have put in the research time with many more things to learn and share.  I thank you all for your support!  


  1. I am proud of you Jackie! You always live life to the full! Come to school and see us next time your are in Nashville!

  2. Awesomeness! STAY FIERCE! XO

  3. Awesomeness! STAY FIERCE! XO

  4. If you want more followers I would move you follower section up and complete profile up towards the top of the side bar. Also the easiest way to get followers is to follow and comment on other people's blogs...just the way it is.
