
Monday, October 17, 2016

Costs of living simply

A lot of people assume it is expensive to live the way I do... I am rich, my parents must be rich.  So, I thought I would show you my dream budget... it's a dream because I rarely meet the minimum even when working 9 to 10 months out of the year like I have this last year.

I need around 1/3 of what I needed when living in one place.  When I lived in one place I went cheap.  No internet, No cable and all that extra stuff.  My furniture was all given to me or free off Craigslist.  I have never had money to just buy whatever.

Now, my motorcycle is paid for as Today would mark 9 years with Blue.  TicTac, I worked 3-4 jobs for 9 months to pay for straight out.

I don't have rent, I don't have utilities.  I use to do a pay as you go phone and spend $100 a year but my family didn't like not being able to get a hold of me so I am on their plan. I use public libraries for internet.

What do I pay for?
(Monthly budget)
  • $8-10 in gas for every 100 miles
I can easily spend $50 a month on gas if I am just wandering,  I am looking forward to spending more time in one spot.  You can spend 7-14 days in a lot of free camping areas and I really want to take advantage of that.  If I need to be somewhere for a job or visiting someone it would cost more but use less once I get there.  For instance, I spent less than $90 to get from New Hampshire to my friend's house in North Carolina.. and that was going a round about way.  Now being here I go out with my friend in her car so no gas money used.

  • $80-150 groceries
This has a wide range and it all depends on where I am.  This also includes Yoska's food which I only need a 4lb bag a month to 6 weeks depending on how much of my leftovers he gets.  If I am moving a lot and riding long days I eat out more often so the price is higher.  If I am boondocking I make my own meals and I usually eat the same meal twice in a day to not have leftovers without refrigeration for long periods of time. 

  • $100 motorcycle and trailer insurance
This is a bit high but I have a large amount for medical on my motorcycle insurance.  Injuries from a motorcycle accident can be expensive so I want to be sure to get as much as I can because with my lifestyle there isn't a lot of extra money lying around... usually no extra money lying around.  I want to be sure the burden on others will be as little as possible.

  • $500 student loan payment
This is the kicker.  My student loan bills are more than everything else combined.  They are at the lowest payment possible and will be a burden for many, many, many years to come.

  • $100 set aside for maintenance of Blue and TicTac
TicTac needs very little in the way of maintenance.  I just replaced the wheel bearings this summer so greasing them twice a year is really all there is.  I changed the tires about 2 years ago but the good thing about those they last a whole lot longer and cheaper than motorcycle tires.   I do this type of work with friends or when visiting my dad so the cost is parts only. 

Blue on the other hand can be a little more expensive.  I do my own oil changes, air filter cleaning on the road and when I visit my dad a couple times a year we tackle the bigger things so I save thousands by doing the work ourselves.  The only costly thing is the rear tire.  I try to order it online for about $130 and then find a mom and pop shop to change it costing around $40-60. A Harley shop can easily cost over $300. (Rear tires need to be balanced)  I do save a bit but I change the rear tire 2-3 times a year.  Front tire maybe every year and a half and I want to be able to do that when visiting my dad.

  • $100 for emergencies and odds and ends
It is nice to have a little extra around in case of needing to pay for a place to stay because of bad weather, extreme heat or just wanting to treat myself.  Then there are times you want a souvenir or need some sort of odd and end thing.  I also would really like the National Park Pass.  So this very minimal put away each month helps with all of that.

When I say I can live comfortably for $15,000 a year it is a true statement.  I can get away with $1000 a month but it's nice to be able to save a little each year for things like a new engine for Blue.

Don't forget to click thru the tabs at the top of the blog to see how you can help fund my journey.  From workamping, helping you with needs around the house to working for businesses ranging from 1 day to 6 weeks.  Marketing your business with Social Media Management or advertising on the side of TicTac. Speaking at an event about my travels, living simply or Eating Disorder Awareness.   There is even a bit of shopping with items I make or sending a personalized postcard.  Many different ways for me to make my Dream budget come true.


  1. Thanks for this peek into your travel budget and how you manage to get by.


  2. With your student loan, are you on the IBR payment plan? With your income, that would probably reduce the payment to $0/month. Of course, it does mean you extend the payments out 25 years, but if you know you are never going to make a lot of money, you would end up paying a whole lot yes over the years. That's what I have done. I have taken a huge reduction in income over the past year or so, but my payments also went way down. This was with my federal loans. The private ones, I know you can't really change. Are yours federal?

    Also, thank you for sharing the budget.

  3. I also have pets, and I will seriously go hungry first before they do. I know you are probably the same way.

  4. That sucks about your student loans. Is that the monthly payment amount to pay it off in 10 years? Maybe if you extended it out, it would be less per month? But then, I know, you end up paying more in the long run. Student loans suck, I know!

    1. That is the lowest amount I can pay per month. It switched companies and it has been a nightmare ever since. I use to pay under $200 which was doable. I can't do $500 even when I lived in one place.

  5. Hi Jaclyn. I love what you are day, that is my dream. Have you seen the new space ship looking tear drops? Im saving up for a blue harley,matching side car and tear drop. My home base is in Mount Pleasant,SC.Its beautiful here, so I will be here a lot. I can only travel 3 months at a time.All my doctors are here. Im 62 and need to get my scrips every 3 months.. lol. Anyway, i will be following you
    Greg Kline

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  7. First time posting on your blog. The way you live is great! Do your own thing. Life's too short!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

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