
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Where to find Jackie & Yoska

I believe I have found the best solution for wanting to share my life but being tired of the trolls and hateful people.  My friend and I were out and about the other day and we met up with a guy who lives full time on his boat.  We were talking about our lives and living differently.  During the conversation he told me to check out so that is what I did.  What a great concept! A pledging site to help support artists on a monthly basis so artist can do what they are meant to do.

With monthly support from my followers I can focus more on going deeper into sustainability, living simply and other ways of going off grid and the ability to share them with you.  This will also weed out some of the trolls I have the tendency to get since they will now have to pay to harass me.

I have it set up to take as little as $1 a month to get all my posts from stories, pictures, videos, updates on where we are, what we are doing and everything I use to share quite openly.

So, if you would like to follow along on our adventure, check out and pledge an amount.  There are also larger pledge amounts for perks or you can pledge whatever you feel like giving per month.  It is charged at the first of every month and you can cancel at any time.

Be sure to check out the perks and goals on the left sidebar. There are public updates where I will share past stories and any articles and such written from others about my life on the road.

Yoska and I are heading out in the next couple of weeks.  Some of the goals I have for the coming months...

I plan to start a garden using small grow bags to take on the road with us. We will be starting from seed this weekend.  I am also working on ideas on how to capture and filter rain water on the road.  Each another step to sustainability.  Should be fun and interesting.

I am also excited for a couple of singing gigs at RV parks in Arizona in January.  I have a few other ideas on making extra cash as I travel. I will also be sharing some odd and end gigs and how I have made a little bit of income and gift cards using phone apps.

Of course, updates on Yoska.

A new year, new goals and always a new adventure.  I hope you choose to come along.  I am excited to be back to sharing with you all.

Peace, Love and Happiness
Jackie & Yoska

Sunday, December 4, 2016

The perfect gifts for the Holidays

Wanted to stop by and wish everyone Happy Holidays. I finally got Blue's rear tire changed and have money for a month or two. I also have a little gig here in NC to help with some basics and a few other gigs in the making. Things are looking up. I am still going retro with the occasional updates and I am quite excited about it.

My friend and mentor Pauline Oliveros (if you don't know who that is I recommend a quick google search... she was amazing!) passed away last week and I have been thinking about what I learned from her and how to put that towards my own work. First and foremost, I need to be more present in my travels. I need to commit to the work I choose. I need to listen to the world more closely. I have some of the best sounds to listen to in the middle of nowhere with little human interference. I need to believe in the work and the life I live even with all they naysayers. Goodbye to the negative people. Time to take control of my life and my life's work.

I wanted to share some great gift ideas for the holiday season that will support my BlueRoad Project.

I have made a few beanies recently. All sizes, adult/child matching beanies and doggie and me matching beanies (see photo at the bottom of this post).  I also do other custom crochet gifts like wristers, scarves and whatever you can think of.  Order soon so I have enough time to make and send before Christmas. Email

The gift that keeps on giving, Postcards from the Road.  This is the only option I have  available to ship around the world. For the adventurer at heart. You can order on my website.

Yoska Love 2017 Calendar will be on sale all month.  Again, order early if you want it by Christmas. You can order on my website

I do the most updates on Instagram so follow below.

Peace, Love and Happiness
Jackie & Yoska

A photo posted by Jackie & Yoska (@jhblueroad) on